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Mind-Body Therapy (Psychotherapy with the Experts Series)

by Ernest Rossi, PhD

Advances in neuroscience confirm the importance of the mind-body connection. Watch pioneer Ernest Rossi demonstrate a Mind-Body approach in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video!

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Advances in neuroscience confirm the importance of the mind-body connection. Watch pioneer Ernest Rossi demonstrate a Mind-Body approach in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video!

Ernest Rossi brings to light important new research indicating that the brain is constantly growing and changing, and, with this, the profound realization that our mind and its responses can also change. In this video, Rossi works with Robin, who says she is constantly analyzing but doesn t know how to imagine. Rossi endeavors to elicit a sense of wonder in Robin, leading her in mind-body exercises that challenge her to think in new ways. In so doing Robin uncovers a belief that she always needs to have control, as well as a previously unknown desire to find some mental peace and quiet. Hosts Jon Carlson and Diane Kjos introduce Dr. Rossi and facilitate an enlightening discussion on the approach.

    From watching this video, you will:
  • Develop an understanding of the key components of Mind-Body Therapy, including examining symptoms as mind-body signals that need attention, and helping clients navigate between social constraints and their own creativity.
  • Gain insight into Rossi s therapy style, including how he asks basic accessing questions to tap into a client s mind-body connection.
  • Learn how to apply a Mind-Body approach to your own therapeutic work with clients.

DVD 1 hrs. 57 min


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Product Code:  32-MBTER List Price:  $199.99
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