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Reinventing Leadership Video DVD

by Edwin H. Friedman

This unique and provocative approach demonstrates that leaders actually foster change in groups--much the way therapists do with families--more by the nature of their presence than by their technique or know-how.

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You already know Edwin H. Friedman as the acclaimed author of Generation to Generation, the landmark 1985 book applying a systems approach to the problems of clergy and their congregations. In the past decade, Friedman has broadened the focus of his systems interventions to encompass not just religious organizations, but also corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies. Viewing the problems of larger systems as fundamentally no different than those of smaller ones, he analyzes who makes change happen in groups, and how, and comes up with surprising answers about what really makes leaders effective. His unique and provocative approach demonstrates that leaders actually foster change in groups--much the way therapists do with families--more by the nature of their presence than by their technique or know-how. Distilling the ideas and insights offered in Friedman's well-received seminars, this new video shows how systems become stuck and how good leaders can unstick them.

If you're looking to expand your role as a consultant to larger systems, or are simply seeking a fresh perspective in your current work, this video offers a stimulating message. Highlights include segments from actual seminars, illuminating graphics, on-camera discussions with Friedman and in-depth interviews with workshop participants, and a comprehensive study and discussion guide.

The video includes segments from actual seminars, on-camera discussions with Dr. Friedman and with workshop participants, and a companion study and discussion guide.

42 Minutes DVD Includes Study Guide


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Product Code:  67-131D List Price:  $129.95
GSA Price:  $116.95 Qty:        « Add to Cart