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Handbook of Research in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

by Edited by Robert B. Rutherford, Jr., Mary Magee Quinn, and Sarup R. Mathur

Bringing together leading researchers, this book integrates current knowledge on emotional and behavioral disorders in the school setting. Reviewed are a range of evidence-based approaches to identifying, assessing, and intervening with this difficult-to-teach population.

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Bringing together leading researchers, this book integrates current knowledge on emotional and behavioral disorders in the school setting. Reviewed are a range of evidence-based approaches to identifying, assessing, and intervening with this difficult-to-teach population. School practitioners and educators gain essential tools for developing and evaluating programs to improve student behavior, boost self-control and social skills, and maximize academic achievement. Findings on early intervention and prevention are presented, and implications for policy discussed. Uniquely broad in its coverage, the volume also emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in service provision and delineates best-practice guidelines for research.

"In an era of accountability and emphasis on scientifically based educational practices, this handbook delivers. In 30 succinct chapters, this text provides depth and breadth, covering research on the foundations, assessment, characteristics, interventions, and research methodology of emotional and behavioral disorders. Leading scholars present a thorough, evidence-based review of past, present, and future challenges facing the field. Practitioners and researchers will find this text invaluable."
-Daniel P. Hallahan, PhD, Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Robert B. Rutherford Jr., PhD, is Professor of Special Education and Director of Research and Graduate Programs in Curriculum and Instruction at Arizona State University. Dr. Rutherford is the past president of both the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders and Teacher Educators for Children with Behavioral Disorders. He is the former editor of Behavioral Disorders and the coeditor of the CCBD/TECBD Monograph Series on Severe Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth, published annually in Education and Treatment of Children.

Mary Magee Quinn, PhD, is Principal Research Scientist at the American Institutes for Research. She is currently the Project Director of the Alternative Schools Project, the Systems Improvement Activities to Enhance Children's Mental Health Service Project, and the Linking Assessment Policyk and Practice Project; Codirector of the Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice; and an Associate Director of the National Center on Education, Disability, and Juvenile Justice. She is the past president of Teacher Educators for Children with Behavioral Disorders.

Sarup R. Mathur, PhD, is Clinical Associate Professor of Special Education and the Initial Teacher Certification Coordinator of Special Education in the Division of Curriculum and Instruction at Arizona State University. Dr. Mathur is the coeditor of the CCBD/TECBD Monograph Series on Severe Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth and the coauthor of Teacher-Mediated Behavior Management Strategies for Children with EBD and Effective Strategies for Teaching Appropriate Behaviors to Children with EBD. She is a former secretary and current vice-president of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders and the past president of Teacher Educators for Children with Behavioral Disorders.

Hardcover, 622 Pages, Size: 7" x 10"


1. Overview of Foundations, Assessment, Characteristics, Interventions, and Methodology in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Research, Rutherford, Quinn, and Mathur

I. Foundations of Research in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Introduction, Kauffman

2. Historical to Contemporary Perspectives of the Field of Behavioral Disorders, Kauffman, Brigham, and Mock

3. Classification and Definition of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Cullinan

4. Cultural and Linguistic Competency and Disproportionate Representation, Osher, Cartledge, Oswald, Sutherland, Artiles, and Coutinho

5. Linking Prevention Research with Policy: Examining the Costs and Outcomes of the Failure to Prevent Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Quinn and Poirier

6. How Research Informs Practice in the Field of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Tankersley, Landrum, and Cook

II. Assessment and Evaluation of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Introduction, Polsgrove

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Students' Behavior and Intervention Outcomes: The Utility of Rating Scale Methods, Elliott and Busse

8. Functional Behavioral Assessment, Fox and Gable

9. Psychiatric and Psychological Assessment of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders during School Mental Health Consultation, Mattison

10. Curriculum-Based Measurement of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Assessment for Data-Based Decision Making, Hyatt and Howell

11. Early Identification and Prevention of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Conroy, Hendrickson, and Hester

12. Accountability and Assessment for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Shriner and Wehby

III. Characteristics of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Introduction, Forness

13. Externalizing Behaviors of Aggression and Violence and the School Context, Furlong, Morrison, and Jimerson

14. Internalizing Behavior Problems in Children and Adolescents, Gresham and Kern

15. Youth Delinquency: Prevention and Intervention, Nelson, Leone, and Rutherford

16. Research Issues in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Sweeney and Hoffman

IV. Intervention and Treatment Research

Introduction, Nelson

17. Early Intervention for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Kendziora

18. Psychopharmacology in the Treatment of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Konopasek and Forness

19. The School-to-Community Transition of Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Cheney and Bullis

20. Teaching Alternative Behaviors to Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Meadows and Stevens

21. Informed Practice in Teaching Self-Control to Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Polsgrove and Smith

22. Instruction and Classroom Management: Prevention and Intervention Research, Witt, VanDerHeyden, and Gilbertson

23. Social Skills Training and Teaching Social Behavior to Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Kavale, Mathur, and Mostert

24. Academic Instruction and Tutoring Interventions for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: 1990 to the Present, Lane

25. Schoolwide Systems of Behavior Support: Maximizing Student Success in Schools, Liaupsin, Jolivette, and Scott

26. Collaboration with Other Agencies: Wraparound and Systems of Care for Children and Youths with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Eber and Keenan

V. Research Methodology

Introduction, Guetzloe

27. Applied Behavior Analysis and the Education and Treatment of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Lewis, Lewis-Palmer, Newcomer, and Stichter

28. Experimental Research Designs in the Study of Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Van Acker, Yell, Bradley, and Drasgow

29. Qualitative Research and Its Contributions to the Knowledge of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Sabornie

30. Data Collection in Research and Applications Involving Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Gunter and Denny

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Product Code:  67-5056 List Price:  $76.00
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